2024 Tri Club Cup Interclub
BCSA Tri-Club Cup Interclub Challenge
The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 26th, 2024, at the Campbelltown Council Function Centre located at 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor, SA 5073. This event will also encompass Budgie Fest 2024. The show will be conducted in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set out by the BCSA. Entries in the exhibition classes will be as per the ANBC Standard and Matrix. This will be the first ever BCSA Tri Club Cup Interclub Challenge between the BSSA, NEBS and PPBS for current year birds.
For the BCSA Tri Club Cup Interclub Challenge, only cages that have powder coated fronts are permitted. The exception to this is for the pet section, where any bird cage is acceptable. If you don’t have powder coated fronts on your show cages, please speak with your Club or the BCSA, so we can assist you in loaning you some for the event. We don’t want people’s entries limited by a lack of correct show cages.
Note that subject to entries, this is a BCSA status movement show. Young birds must be owner bred, current (2024) rung budgerigars with Red 2024 rings. The exception to this is birds entered in the pet bird class, which do not need to be rung and can be any age. Pet birds will not be eligible for points.
The entry fee for participation in the Tri Club Cup Club Challenge is set at $1.00 per bird, with a maximum cap of $20.00 for any number of entries. Entry to the pet bird class is FREE, and we want to encourage as many entries and presentations as possible. It is important to note that juniors are exempt from paying the entry fee for either the Interclub challenge, or the pet show. Additionally, it is crucial to adhere to the deadline for submitting entries, as late entries will not be accepted. This is due to the automated program’s method of assigning numbers to cage stickers. Furthermore, it is advised to take into consideration that mail delivery times have been extended to up to six working days, so the sooner you can get your entries in, the better for the show organisers.
Participants have the option to submit their entries either by postal mail or email. Our preference is email. The entry fee is required to be paid at the presentation of the birds on the day of the show. Please make payment in the form of either cash or via electronic transfer to the Budgerigar Council of South Australia. If you are posting your entry in, please address it to The President at the following address: 6 East Terrace Kensington Gardens, SA 5068, or via email at [email protected]. The entries are required to be submitted using the provided entry form, and the deadline for submission is 7.00pm on Friday, October 18th. Birds are to be benched between 7:30 am – 8:30 am, with commencement of the judging starting at 9:00 am sharp. The exception is birds entered into the pet bird category, which are benched from 11:30 am to 12 Noon.
If cage stickers are not received by the final postal delivery on Friday, October 25th, it is kindly requested to establish communication with the President, Troy Holmes, on 0419 526 753 no later than Friday evening. This will allow for the printing of duplicate stickers, ensuring their availability for distribution on the morning of the Show.
All birds to be shown in clean standard show cages with a recognised budgerigar breeders’ mix. The amount of seed on the cage floor is to be limited to approximately one kitchen measuring cup. Each cage to be fitted with an approved plastic drinker 4 spaces in from the left side of the cage, level with the perch. Stickers to be placed on the bottom left-hand side of the cage.
The Safety Officer has the right to reject entries prior to judging for illness, deformity or poorly prepared show cages that are deemed hazardous or unhealthy to the birds. Birds are exhibited at the owner’s risk, but the Show Committee will exercise all due care. Points for interclub competition will be allocated to the top (9)-nine Young (2024 Rung) birds in each of the 28 Exhibition classes.
Please refrain from removing birds prior to their presentation, scheduled for approximately 2:45 PM.
Additionally, adhere to our Hot Weather Policy: If the predicted temperature exceeds 32 degrees, as forecasted on the TV between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM the day before, the exhibition and pet classes will be cancelled. Exhibitors must take it upon themselves to stay informed about the weather forecast.
Judges for the BCSA Tri Club Cup Interclub Challenge will be Mr Richard Miller (UK), Mr Gary Gazzard (NSW) and Mr Peter Thurn (Victoria). Judges for the pet bird awards will be a panel of judges, including the aforementioned judges.
Exhibition Classes
- Class 1. Normal Green Series (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 2. Normal Grey Green (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 3. Normal Blue Series (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 4. Normal Visual Violet (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 5. Normal Grey (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 6. Normal Yellow Faced Blue ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 7. Normal Golden Faced Blue ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 8. Black Eyed Self (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 9. Dilute (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 10. Lutino (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 11. Albino (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 12. Dark Eyed Clear (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 13. Clearwing ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 14. Greywing ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 15. Cinnamonwing ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 16. Spangle Double Factor (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 17. Opaline ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 18. Opaline AOSV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 19. Clearbody ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 20. Lacewing ASC / ASV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 21. Fallow ASC / ASV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 22. Spangle ASC (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 23. Spangle AOSV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 24. Dominant Pied ASC / ASV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 25. Recessive Pied ASC / ASV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 26. Australian White Cap (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 27. Crested ASC / ASV (2024 RUNG) BIRD
- Class 28. Any other Standard or Non-Standard Variety (2024 RUNG) BIRD
Entries as per the ANBC Standard and Matrix
Pet Budgie Categories
Entry via https://bcsa.com.au/budgie-fest-2024/
- 🌟 Chirpiest Chatterbox: For the best talking budgie or vocal imitation!
- 🌈 Most Fashionable Feathers: Recognizing the budgie with the most vibrant plumage.
- 🤝 Best Budgie-Buddy Award: For the friendliest and most sociable budgie.
- 🎬 Scene Stealer Award: For the budgie that loves the spotlight!
- 💏 Sweetheart Pair Award: Honouring the inseparable duo with a special bond.
- 🎓 Whose A Clever Bird Award: For the budgie with the most impressive tricks.
- 🐦 Tweet-heart Award: For the best children’s pet budgie, open to exhibitors 12 years and under.
- 📷 Social Media Star: For the budgie with the largest social media following.
And the overall:
- 🥇🐦 Chirp-Champion: The ultimate Best Pet Budgie of 2024.
Trophies for Tri Club Cup Interclub Challenge
Club – Awarded to Society with Most Points Across 28 Classes – Tri Club Cup
Major Individual/Partnership Awards – Trophy
- Best in Show (2024 Rung) Bird
- Best Open (2024 rung) Bird
- Reserve Open (2024 rung) Bird
- Best Intermediate (2024 rung) Bird
- Reserve Intermediate (2024 rung) Bird
- Best Novice (2024 rung) Bird
- Reserve Novice (2024 rung) Bird
- Best Junior (2024 rung) Bird
Young (2024 rung) Bird – Best of Variety – Diploma Certificate & $20 per class
- Best Normal Green Series
- Best Normal Grey Green
- Best Normal Blue Series
- Best Normal Visual Violet
- Best Normal Grey
- Best Normal Yellow Faced Blue ASC
- Best Normal Golden Faced Blue ASC
- Best Black-Eyed Self
- Best Dilute
- Best Lutino
- Best Albino
- Best Dark Eyed Clear
- Best Clearwing ASC
- Best Greywing ASC
- Best Cinnamonwing ASC
- Best Spangle Double Factor
- Best Opaline ASC
- Best Opaline AOSV
- Best Clearbody ASC
- Best Lacewing ASC / ASV
- Best Fallow ASC / ASV
- Best Spangle ASC
- Best Spangle AOSV
- Best Dominant Pied ASC / ASV
- Best Recessive Pied ASC / ASV
- Best Australian White Cap
- Best Crested ASC / ASV
- Best Any other Standard or Non-Standard Variety
Interclub Challenge: Cards will be allocated for 1st only while points will be allocated to 1st to 9th
Link to Tri Club Cup 2024 Interclub Challenge Entry Form