BCSA Exhibitor Status Movement Process

This document defines the Status Movement Process, which involves the advancement of an exhibitor through each status level. BCSA status’s include Junior, Novice, Intermediate and Open. There is also a Champion status.

BCSA Child Protection & Status Movement


A Junior exhibitor must be under 16 years of age. Upon turning 16 years old, a Junior exhibitor will be promoted to the Novice status. The BCSA may be advance them earlier at their discretion. This occurs based on show results.

Novice Section Status Movement

A member when first joining a BCSA Affiliate / Associate Society must show in the Novice Section and will remain in this section until such time as the member has gained 20 points from recognised shows with at least three different owner bred birds within a 3-year period. When the member meets the assigned points criteria, they will be automatically promoted to the Intermediate Section on January 1st of the following year. After 5 years, a Novice can apply for promotion. BCSA nominated judges will assess the overall competitiveness of an exhibitor’s birds to determine their eligibility for promotion. The five-year period begins retrospectively from the commencement of the Status Movement Process in 2010.

Intermediate Section Status Movement

A member will enter this section through the status elevation process from the Novice Section or when rejoining the fancy at this level and will remain in this section until such time as the member has gained 30 points from recognised shows with at least three different owner bred birds within a 3 year period. Once the points have been achieved the member will automatically be elevated to Open Section.

Open Section Status Movement

A member will enter this section through the status elevation process from the Intermediate Section. The member will remain in this section only if they continue to exhibit budgerigars at recognised shows. Points will be awarded for the purpose of Clause 6 below. If a member chooses to not show for a period of 3 years without good cause, that member forfeits the right to remain in this section and will be relegated to the Intermediate Section.

Risk Assessment & Status Movement

Request to Revert to a Lower Status

Beyond the Open Section ruling in Open Section above, once advanced to Intermediate or Open, an exhibitor may only request a downgrading of status to Novice or Intermediate, respectively, if they have not won Major or Class awards accruing a total of 40 points over four years or if there are any other special circumstances.

Status Movement from Another State or Body

It is to be noted that a member moving from a recognised interstate body may be accepted by the BCSA at their existing or a recognised equivalent level. Some States have different ‘Status’ than the BCSA e.g. Victoria at the time of producing this paper has Champion, Open, Intermediate and Beginner status thus this would potentially equate to, in a transfer situation to the BCSA, Champion and Open to Open, Intermediate remaining as Intermediate and Beginner to Novice.

Conditions of Status Movement

  • A member, unless a Junior, when first joining a BCSA Affiliate / Associate Society must commence in the Novice Section.
  • A former member when rejoining within a 3-year period will return to their previous status.
  • A member who is rejoining a BCSA Affiliate/Associate Society after a period greater than 3 years, and has not been involved in the hobby in this state or elsewhere, must obtain BCSA approval. The member may enter at any section up to but not including their previous status, subject to approval.
  • To progress to the higher status, the exhibitor must accumulate the required points through a minimum of three owner bred birds.
  • Members are required to spend a minimum of 12 months in each section before progressing.
  • Exhibitors living under the same roof shall not show at a status level lower than the highest level held by any person residing at the same address with the exception of Juniors who can exhibit as Juniors if residing with a Novice, Intermediate or Open exhibitor.
  • The date for accruing points for this system commenced on the 9th May 2010.

Effective Date for Status Movement

  • Movement through the exhibitor status will only be effective on January 1st each year (except in the case of dissolution of a partnership). The BCSA will communicate any resulting elevation or demotion in writing to both the member and the respective Club Secretary.
  • Upon meeting the assigned points criteria, the exhibitor will be promoted, and the promotion will take effect on January 1st of the following year. This can occur in the first, second or third year. If the points are not achieved by the end of the third year, the BCSA will discard the points earned in the first year. Counting will continue until the exhibitor meets the assigned points criteria for status movement within the 3-years.

Definition of Recognised Shows for Status Movement

Recognised Show means an Affiliate or Associate member’s show. To this point, it can include an agricultural show only if it has prior approval of the BCSA. All shows to be eligible must meet the ‘Full Complement’ criteria.

Risk Assessment & Exhibiting Budgerigars Status Movement

Full Complement Definition for a Young Stock or Any Age Show

A Full Complement for Young Stock or Any Age shows is a show with all ANBC varieties and both sexes listed separately in the Show Schedule. The following criteria also apply:

  • The requirement is to have a total of 80 birds benched (not just entered) for each age-group.
  • If a Young and Adult Bird show awards prizes separately, then both age groups must satisfy the Full Complement requirements.
  • Each status section must have a minimum of 20 birds benched, and at least 3 exhibitors must participate.
  • If there are fewer than 3 exhibitors showing or less than 20 birds entered in either status, then the status will not receive any points allocation. However, there is an exception to this rule. If the Novice or the Intermediate status sections do not comply and an exhibitor from either has a bird in the major awards, then the top ranked bird from that section will receive the actual points as if the status section had met the criteria.
  • If a bird wins Grand Champion (or Champion Young or Champion Adult if judged separately at a show) in a ‘Full Complement’ show from a status section that does not meet the requirement of point c. above, that bird shall gain full points as it has won against a Full Complement of birds.

A Full Complement Definition for a UBC Show

Full Complement for a UBC shows is a show with all ANBC varieties and both sexes combined in the Show Schedule. The following criteria also apply:

  • The requirement is to have a total of 60 birds benched (not just entered) for each age-group. It is not acceptable to enter more than 60 birds and bench less than 60. To qualify for points, exhibitors must bench 60 or more birds.
  • Each status section must have a minimum of 20 benched birds. Furthermore, at least 3 exhibitors must be present for each status section.
  • If there are fewer than 3 exhibitors showing or less than 20 birds entered in either status, then the status will not receive any points allocation. However, there is one exception to this rule. If the Novice or the Intermediate status sections do not comply and an exhibitor from either has a bird in the major awards, then the top ranked bird from that section will receive the actual points as if the status section had met the criteria.
  • If a bird wins Grand Champion in a ‘Full Complement’ show from a status section that does not meet the requirement above, that bird shall gain full points as it has won against a Full Complement of birds.

Full Complement Definition for a Novice and/or Intermediate Only Show

  • A Full Compliment for a Novice and/or Intermediate Exhibitors only show is an Any Age or  Young Stock show with all ANBC varieties and with both sexes listed either separately or combined in the show schedule. However combined sexes only will apply if it is an UBC show.
  • Each status section must have a minimum of 20 birds exhibited by at least 3 different breeders.
  • If there are fewer than 3 exhibitors showing or less than 20 birds entered in either status, then the status will not receive any points allocation.
  • Points will only be available for the Best Novice or Best Intermediate Bird. A combined Novice and Intermediate only show winner of the Grand Champion title will not receive any additional points.

Other Recognised Shows

  • The ANBC National Titles
  • A Shield/State Show is the Logan Shield or a State Show or a combination of both. There are no Full Complement requirements for this show.
  • To be eligible for point allocation, a BCSA Affiliate/Associate or any other recognized Any Age, Young Stock or Unbroken Cap (UBC) show (or combination of shows) must exhibit a Full Complement of birds.

Points Allocation for Status Movement

We will allocate points based on the following basis:

  • 1st place in a National Show Class 15 points
  • 2nd place in a National Show Class 10 points
  • 3rd place in a National Show Class 5 points
  • 1st place in a Shield/State Show Class 10 points
  • 2nd place in a Shield/State Show Class 5 points
  • 3rd place in a Shield/State Show Class 5 points
  • Young Stock Show Champion Bird of Show 5 points *
  • Young Stock Show Best Open Young Bird 5 points
  • Young Stock Show Best Intermediate Young Bird 5 points
  • Young Stock Show Best Novice Young Bird 5 points
  • Open Show Champion Bird of Show 5 points *
  • Open Show Best Open Bird 5 points
  • Open Show Best Intermediate Bird 5 points
  • Open Show Best Novice Bird 5 points
  • UBC Show Champion Bird of Show 5 points *
  • UBC Show Best Open Bird 5 points
  • UBC Show Best Intermediate Bird 5 points
  • UBC Show Best Novice Bird 5 points
  • Novice only Show Best Novice Bird 5 points
  • Intermediate only Show Best Intermediate Bird 5 points

* Champion Bird of Show will receive 5 points for winning the show. By winning the status section they were entered in, the Best Adult Bird and Best Young Bird receive an additional 5 points each. Each bird, the Best Adult Bird and the Best Young Bird, can receive a maximum of 10 points.

Additional Notes for Points Allocation

If a combined Young Stock and Adult bird show takes place, the Best Adult Bird and Best Young Bird will receive 5 points each for winning their respective sections, and an additional 5 points each for winning the status section from which they came. It means that the Best Adult Bird and Best Young Bird will each receive a maximum of 10 points.

Show Committees must present full details of awards gained and exhibitor names to the BCSA within 14 days of the show date. Naturally, these need to be in line with the recognized format for the BCSA website.

The BCSA will assess points in December each year or at any alternate date decided by the BCSA.

For the latest in Exhibitor Points, check out the page.

Champion Breeder Status

Accumulating a total of 85 points or more in a calendar year elevates an Open breeder to Champion breeder for the ensuing year. For the latest tally, check out the Exhibitor Points table.

Awarding of Diplomas

The BCSA will annually award a Diploma to the highest point scorer in each status.