BCSA Risk Assessment Statement
The BCSA Risk Assessment Statement encompasses exhibitions, as well as the Sale of Birds.
The BCSA is supportive of Government efforts to apply and maintain bio-security and other controls which ensure Australia’s continuing economic, environmental and social well-being.
The BCSA is committed to all shows having the highest level of avian care and attention to maintain required health and safety standards and minimise the risk of avian health issues.
Implications of the Application
- The BCSA has the absolute right to reject any application to exhibit.
- The BCSA will not be required to justify or explain the reasons for non-acceptance of any application to exhibit.
- No birds, other than those accepted as show exhibits or preapproved sale or auction birds, will be allowed in the designated show or sale /auction area.
- No carry cages, utensil, boxes or empty cages are permitted in the designated show or sale/auction area once the birds are benched or until 30 minutes prior to the advertised or announced de-benching time.
- Exhibitors are expected to have taken all practical steps to ensure their entries have been properly and adequately prepared for showing/sale.
- All birds must be exhibited/sold in standard show cages that are clean and well maintained.
- All show cages must have adequate clean seed and a standard water drinker attached.
- Exhibitors are to take all reasonable steps to ensure their birds are in the best of health at the time of benching.
- Should an exhibitor have any doubt about the health of their exhibition/sales birds it is expected that all birds will be scratched from the event.
- If during the period after entry for a show/sale an exhibitor becomes aware of a significant health issue within his/her aviary stock, the exhibitor will be obliged to request the removal of all birds from the show/sale even though the birds may be showing no visual sign of illness.
- The Show Manager (or a representative) is authorised and obliged to remove from the bench any birds showing signs of illness or injury.
State Selection Show
- Only birds that are deemed healthy with good body weight will be selected in the Team and permitted to travel to a ANBC National event.
- An avian veterinarian may be used to assess birds prior to travel.
Post State Selection & National Show
- Whilst housed in the holding facility prior to travel to a National event, if any bird shows signs of stress or illness the owner will be notified and if agreeable the bird will be checked by an avian veterinarian. Any ill bird will be separated and will not travel to the national event.
- On arrival and during the National Show, the host state is to have a recognised avian veterinarian to check the birds after arrival and during the event. Any bird showing signs of illness where urgent treatment is deemed necessary to ensure the bird’s well being shall be treated immediately by or under the direct supervision of the veterinarian.
- After completion of judging and prior to return travel all birds at the National event may be given a recommended probiotic or recognised electrolyte supplement.
Agreeing to the Guidelines
- By entering birds, an exhibitor agrees to these guidelines.
Designated Show Area
- The venue as advertised on the schedule, excluding the car park area.
Areas of Responsibility
The President (or a representative) is the Society’s authorised official for the handling of all media for bio-security and related matters.