BCSA Policies & Procedures
The BCSA Policies relate to several key topics within its charter. Firstly, Biosecurity, in the event that a reportable disease outbreak so that clubs know how to respond. Secondly, heat identifies situations where events should be postponed or canceled due to hot weather. Thirdly, the use of closed leg rings for identifying young birds and the associated roles of ring officers for each of the affiliate clubs. In addition, BCSA policies include details on the roles of bird carers as part of the National team, and their associated roles and responsibilities. Other policies include risk assessments, encompassing exhibitions, as well as the Sale of Birds. Furthermore, the BCSA has strict policies on child protection. Children are the future of this great hobby, and it is important that they feel happy, safe and empowered.
The BCSA also has policies on the use of social media, in line with ANBC mandates. These policies state the way members should conduct themselves on social media. Furthermore, this policy details times when it is inappropriate to post comments about budgies that have made Club or State teams for the ANBC titles. The BCSA recognises that the use of social media is the primary means of communication between members.
Finally, the BCSA code of practice for auctions and sales, and bird care.
Why These Are Important
The BCSA’s policies and processes aid in the organisation of affiliate clubs and individual members. It lays the ground work for Clubs and members alike to act in specific ways, allowing the BCSA to fulfil its goals more effectively. Policies and procedures also aid in the achievement of operational goals for the Council as a whole. Some BCSA rules and processes aid in meeting compliance goals also. Duties may be completed in a variety of ways, but policy and procedures assist the Clubs and members on how to do those tasks in accordance with the BCSA charter. They form an important part of the BCSA mandate.
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