Lloyd Edwards Show, 2023 – Saturday May 13th 2023
The North East Budgerigar Society (NEBS) held their annual Lloyd Edwards Young Bird Show at the Kilburn Hall. The show was open to any 2022 rung budgies with an ANBC (BCSA) ring.
On the day, 118 birds were entered, and 86 benched. Of those, 71 were open birds, and 15 intermediate.
Congratulations to Bob Simpson, who won Grand Champion of Show with a lovely Grey Green Normal cock. Best Opp Sex was taken out by Dennis Lomman with a lovely Cinnamon Grey Green hen, and Champion Intermediate and Opp Sex Intermediate were won by Gina and Ian Wise, with a lovely Spangle Grey Green hen, and a Normal Grey Green cock respectively.
Thanks to all of the volunteers and exhibitors who made the day possible.