ANBC | The Australian National Budgerigar Council

The Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) is a group of volunteers representing budgerigar clubs and enthusiasts from each state (zone) and territory across this great land. Firstly, each state nominates two representatives to be a part of the ANBC from their individual governing bodies (zones).  Naturally, the ANBC is responsible for the publishing “The Standard” of Excellence here in Australia. Simply put, this document is used to judge exhibition budgerigar attributes at club shows. Importantly, Club and Agricultural shows across the country use the Standard of Excellence. It provides a means for identifying the winning birds in a competitive class of exhibition budgerigars. The A N B C was formed to govern all things budgies across Australia.

The ANBC is also responsible for the premier exhibition budgerigar show held annually by a host state or territory. Since this show brings together the nation’s best budgerigars, the ANBC best of variety awards are on offer, referred to as Logies. Furthermore, every year the show is rotated across each of the states and territories. Notably, it is only eligible to club rung birds from the year prior.

The Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) Standard

The Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) Standard describes the distinguishing features of the modern exhibition budgie. Firstly, it includes many varieties or colours, and the main physical features such as overall appearance of size, length, posture and deportment. Secondly, included in the ANBC Standard are some interesting ornithological notes. Naturally, this includes the wild budgie, distribution and habitat, nesting & feeding, and the evolution of the modern exhibition budgerigar. To that end, there are also notes on the mutations that have occurred across the globe over time.

The ANBC Standard includes various interesting and intriguing aspects of this great hobby. Firstly, it draws many thousands of enthusiasts from around the globe to this fascinating hobby. Secondly, it provides key tables that help identify a variety. Naturally, this includes key features such as the colour of the cheek patch, tail quill, and tail. The ANBC Standard also describes specifies the standard show cage requirements for shows in this country.

A N B C Nationally Accredited Judges Panel

One of the other key roles is to oversee and accredit a body of National Judges, and it still does so. The highest possible ranking as a judge of these events is as a Nationally accredited judge for the ANBC. Here at the Budgerigar Council of South Australia (BCSA), we have four Nationally accredited A N B C judges (as at 2023).

ANBC Council Chatter

The ANBC releases a copy of its Council Chatter periodically. Copies of this can be found in the links:

ANBC Hall of Fame

The ANBC keeps a Hall of Fame record for both exhibitors and individuals who have contributed to the hobby. Here, you can find a copy of the Hall of Fame inductees. As of January 1st, 2024, the Hall of Fame has inducted 18 exhibitors or partnerships, with 10 still active. Additionally, 20 individuals have earned admission to the Hall of Fame Service Section Honour Roll.

How to Contact the ANBC

You can contact the ANBC through your local zone, or alternatively, you can write directly to the ANBC secretary, Mr Neale Love.

General Secretary
Neale R Love
8 Bangalow Court
Cooroy Qld 4563
Phone 0421471781
Email: [email protected]

Recent ANBC Meeting Minutes


The Australian National Budgerigar Council (A N B C) is recommendary body for exhibition budgerigars for all affiliated states / zones (Member Bodies) in Australia:

  • supplying The Standarda written document with pictorials produced and owned by the ANBC for the use by the Australian fancy (and other Countries by agreement) that is recognised and adopted by all Member Bodies and used as a guide for judges and breeders alike,
  • issuing of closed rings and
  • assessing judges for accreditation as National Judges

The Budgerigar Council of South Australia (BCSA) is the governing body for all matters within South Australia. To that end, we have two representatives from Council on the ANBC.

Australian National Budgerigar Council, ANBC, A N B C