Budgerigar Meeting Calendar 2024 for South Australia

The Meeting Calendar for 2024 displays the various information received from the BCSA clubs on their agenda. If you want to talk all things budgerigars, this is the place to flock in 2024!

Calendar for 2024 Club Talk Topic Major Show Venue
Saturday, 20 July 2024 BCSA BCSA Auction & AGM Enfield Community Centre, Regency Road, Enfield
Tuesday, 6 August 2024 BSSA Breeding Program Continuous Improvement Unley Community Centre, 18 Arthur Street Unley
Wednesday, 14 August 2024 NEBS AGM & Graham Alchin Discussion 49 LeHunte St, Kilburn
Sunday, 25 August 2024 PPBS Aviary Visit/Meeting Ton & Angela Vandenbrink Residence, Auburn
Tuesday, 3 September 2024 BSSA Quiz Night Unley Community Centre, 18 Arthur Street Unley
Wednesday, 11 September 2024 NEBS Peter Thurn Zoom Presentation 49 LeHunte St, Kilburn
Tuesday, 1 October 2024 BSSA Novice Come & Try Night Unley Community Centre, 18 Arthur Street Unley
Wednesday, 9 October 2024 NEBS Unusual Pet Vets Presentation 49 LeHunte St, Kilburn
Sunday, 20 October 2024 PPBS Meeting & Show Bob Simpson Residence, Kadina
Saturday, 26 October 2024 BCSA Budgie Fest 2024 Campbelltown Council
Tuesday, 5 November 2024 BSSA A Virtual Aviary Visit for Novices – Troy Unley Community Centre, 18 Arthur Street Unley
Sunday, 10 November 2024 BSSA Interclub Nest Feather Challenge Westbourne Park Community Centre – 388 Goodwood Road Westbourne Park
Wednesday, 13 November 2024 NEBS “Come and Try” Night 49 LeHunte St, Kilburn
Tuesday, 3 December 2024 BSSA Christmas Party Venue to Be Confirmed
Wednesday, 11 December 2024 NEBS Christmas Party Venue to Be Confirmed
Budgie Meetings
PPBS Young Bird Show 2023

Why Budgie Meetings Are Important

Budgie meetings play a crucial role in the community of budgerigar enthusiasts, breeders, and hobbyists. Here are several reasons why these gatherings are significant:

  1. Knowledge Sharing Budgie meetings provide a platform for members to share their expertise and experiences. This exchange of information helps both novice and experienced breeders learn about best practices in budgie care, breeding techniques, and health management.
  2. Networking Opportunities These meetings allow enthusiasts to connect with like-minded individuals. Building a network of fellow budgie lovers leads to collaborations, support, and friendships that enhance the overall experience of keeping and breeding budgies.
  3. Access to Expert Advice Guest speakers at budgie meetings often include veterinarians, experienced breeders, and avian specialists. Attendees gain access to expert advice and can ask questions directly, which is invaluable for resolving specific issues or improving their practices.
  4. Showcasing Birds Budgie meetings frequently feature bird shows or competitions, allowing breeders to showcase their birds. This not only provides recognition for their efforts but also helps set standards for quality and encourages the improvement of budgie breeds.
  5. Resource Availability Members often find resources such as books, equipment, and supplies at these meetings. Clubs may organize sales or swaps where attendees can buy or exchange birds, cages, and other essentials.
  6. Promoting the Hobby Regular meetings help sustain and promote interest in budgerigars. They encourage new people to join the hobby, ensuring its continuation and growth. Additionally, clubs play a vital role in educating the public about the joys and responsibilities of keeping budgies.
  7. Community Support Being part of a budgie club provides a sense of community and belonging. Members support each other through challenges, celebrate successes together, and create a welcoming environment for newcomers.
  8. Updates on Trends and Research Meetings often include updates on the latest trends, research, and developments in avian care and breeding. Staying informed helps members adopt new techniques and technologies that benefit their birds.

In summary, budgie meetings are important for fostering a supportive and knowledgeable community of enthusiasts. They provide educational opportunities, facilitate networking, and promote the welfare and appreciation of these delightful birds.