Media Stable
Media Stable was established in 2012 to help media and experts find and communicate with each other more effectively. In this incredibly busy world, they are the facilitators, connecting media and experts. To that end, this is now the preferred source of media talent in the country.
Media Stable is not a public relations firm, although we do work with and support some of the most successful PR firms in the country. Media Stable is a directory of experts that is freely available to all media both traditional and new. We are a content and news distribution organisation, working with over 600 media personnel across the country.
Media Stable built the Media Board platform, a free subscription based daily email service providing content, story ideas and commentary from our experts to media. The content is trusted, vetted and of the highest quality, with an editorial style, thanks to the journalistic mindset of the Media Stable team supporting our experts. Our media subscribers desire good stories, inspiration and opinions and we give it to them – the Media Board is delivered daily and has the highest hit and open rate in the industry.
Media Stable was designed to work with business owners, CEOs, MDs and Marketing Managers of micro to medium sized businesses. We now also work alongside academia, big business and associations to help them tell their stories.
We are your media partner, we are the platform to raise you above the noise, above the crowds and help your message and opinion get heard.
Media Stable has been instrumental in garnering media interest in the quintessential Aussie budgie.
For more information, visit: Media Training, Interview Training, Communication Training