BCSA Membership Categories
The BCSA Membership categories can be broken into memberships for people (individuals, juniors, partnerships or families), or clubs and bodies (affiliate, half-affiliate, and associates).
Individual Membership
(Rule 5.1.1 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
Individual Members shall be persons who have agreed to accept the Objects, Purposes and Functions of the Council, paid the prescribed membership fee and who are Financial Individual Members of an Affiliate, Half Affiliate or Associate Organisation of the Council.
BCSA Membership entitles that Individual to voting rights at the Annual General Meeting or any other meetings so convened, plus the entitlement to purchase Council rings. All Individual members shall pay a set annual fee as determined and voted upon by the Individual members at the Annual General Meeting of the Council. When showing, the Individual Member will only enter birds under his or her individual name as registered with the Council
Junior Membership
An Individual under 18 years of age requiring membership shall be deemed a Junior Individual Member on paying the prescribed fee. This fee shall be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting. When showing, Junior Individual Members will only enter birds under his or her individual name as registered with the Council.
Partnership Members
(Rules 5.1.1 and 8.3 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
The formation of a Partnership, the Partnership name and the associated ring code (if any) must be registered with the BCSA Secretary and be signed off by all members of the Partnership. Partnerships are accepted in the same way as Individual BCSA Memberships and only one membership fee is required per Partnership irrespective of the number of individuals in the Partnership. However, if they wish, each member of the Partnership may pay separate individual membership fees refer Rules 8.3: Partnership members are entitled to one vote per person if they have paid Individual Membership to the Council. When a Partnership is established, the Partnership must exhibit in the section of the highest-ranking member of the newly formed Partnership. Members of a Partnership must at all time show as the Partnership. Partnerships, for voting purposes, will be treated as one Individual membership unless separate membership fees have been paid.
If a breach of rules is proven against any one member of a Partnership, all members of that Partnership will be held equally responsible. In the event of a Partnership being formed crossing a state or International Border, the Partnership can only exhibit with one state at a National Competition. The dissolution or retirement from a Partnership must be confirmed in writing with the BCSA Secretary as soon as possible by all those that were within the Partnership. Secretaries of Affiliated and Associate Organisations will be advised of Partnerships as and when they are approved or changed. (Rule 3.16 refers)
Family Partnership Members
(Rules 5.1.1 and 8.3 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
Family Members are, in effect, treated in the same way as Partnerships. The formation of a Family, the Family name and the associated ring code (if any) must be registered with the BCSA Secretary and signed off by all members of the Family. Family Memberships are accepted in the same way as Individual BCSA Memberships and only one membership fee is required per Family (irrespective of the number of individuals in the family). However, if they wish, other members of the Family may pay separate individual membership fees refer Rules 8.3: Family members are entitled to one vote per person if they have paid Individual Membership to the Council.
When a Family Membership is established, the Family must exhibit in the section of the highest ranking member of the Family. Members of a Family must at all time show in the Family Membership name. A Family for voting purposes will be treated as one Individual membership unless separate membership fees have been paid.
If a breach of rules is proven against any one member of a Family, all members of that family will be held equally responsible. In the event of a Family Membership being formed crossing a state or International Border, the Family Membership can only exhibit with one state at a National Competition.
The dissolution or retirement from a Family Membership must be confirmed in writing with the BCSA Secretary as soon as possible. Secretaries of Affiliated and Associate Organisations will be advised of Family Memberships as and when they are approved or changed. (Rule 3.16 refers)
Affiliate Organisation Membership
(Rule 5.2.1 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
An Affiliate Organisation shall pay a set fee per annum as recommended by The Council and voted upon by Individual Members annually at the Annual General Meeting. An Affiliate Organisation is permitted to appoint from its members a nominated number of representatives who will become Councillors. On becoming an Affiliate Organisation, all financial Individual Members of that Organisation shall be bound by the Rules of The Council and shall only be able to purchase rings supplied by The Council. The only exception to this ruling is, if a financial Individual Member is a dual member of both this Council and of a recognized interstate Organisation and chooses to purchase rings through that interstate Organisations Controlling Body. Noting that only ‘SA’ prefixed rings will be accepted on birds for the purpose of selecting a team to represent South Australia at the ANBC Championship Show.
To be an Affiliate Organisation of The Council, Metropolitan Organisations (within a 50km radius of the Adelaide G.P.O.) must have a minimum of ten (10) financial Individual Members of The Council and, Country Organisations a minimum of five (5). Individual Members can only nominate one ‘Principal’ Organisation for the purpose of this ruling.
Half Affiliate Organisation Membership
(Rule 5.2.2 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
A “Half Affiliate” Organisation shall pay 50% of the Affiliated Organisation fee per annum and be permitted to appoint from its members ONE representative who will become a Counsellor. On becoming an Associate Organisation, all financial Individual Members of that Organisation shall be bound by the Rules of The Council and shall only be able to purchase rings supplied by The Council. The only exception to this ruling is if a financial Individual Member is a dual member of both this Council and of a recognised interstate Organisation and chooses to purchase rings through that interstate Organisations Controlling Body noting that only ‘SA’ prefixed rings will be accepted on birds for the purpose of selecting a team to represent South Australia at the ANBC Championship Show.
To be a “Half Affiliate” Organisation of The Council, Metropolitan Organisations (within a 50km radius of the Adelaide G.P.O.) must have a minimum of ten (10) financial Individual Members of The Council and, Country Organisations a minimum of five (5). Individual Members can only nominate one ‘Principal’ Organisation for the purpose of this ruling.
Associate Organisation Membership
(Rule 5.2.3 of BCSA Rules and Objectives refers)
An Associate Organisation (Not having representation on the Committee of Council) shall pay 25% of the Affiliated Organisation fee per annum. On becoming an Associate Organisation, all financial Individual Members of that Organisation shall be bound by the Rules of The Council and shall only be able to purchase rings supplied by The Council. The only exception to this ruling is if a financial Individual Member is a dual member of both this Council and of a recognised interstate Organisation and chooses to purchase rings through that interstate Organisations Controlling Body noting that only ‘SA’ prefixed rings will be accepted on birds for the purpose of selecting a team to represent South Australia at the ANBC Championship Show.