Logan Shield Format
The Logan Shield Format is different to other shows conducted throughout the year.
- Open Show format with no limit to the number of entries per class by an exhibitor.
- No exhibitor status will apply.
- Classes will be in line with the ANBC format.
- A Logan Shield interclub competition will be incorporated in the show whereby a winning Society will be recognised on the day of the event.
- Entry forms will be required from individual exhibitors by the Friday nine days preceding the event to allow time for entries to be collated and show cage stickers prepared for distribution to exhibitors.
- An entry fee of a $1.00 per bird will apply up to a maximum of $20.00 irrespective of the number of birds entered. Each exhibitor, who must be a financial member of their Society and Council, must nominate on the entry form the name of the Society that they will be representing for the Logan Shield competition.
- All birds must be correctly rung in line with BCSA and ANBC guidelines.
- Classes will be judged down to twelfth place and these birds will all receive points towards the Society’s Logan Shield tally.
- Rosettes will be awarded to the first three placed birds in each Class. No Diplomas will be awarded.
- All birds will be entered at the risk of the exhibitor and in current ANBC approved show cages.
- Exhibitors are to take all reasonable steps to ensure their birds are in the best of health at the time of benching.
- A Hens class will be included on the entry form. The selection process for the Hens Class will be the same as for all other classes. Hens can also be entered in any of the other classes.
- Birds to be spotted.
- Diplomas will be awarded to birds judged to be the best bird in each Status.
The above dot points are to be read in conjunction with the BCSA Show Regulations, BCSA Show Management Protocol and the BCSA Bird Carers Protocol as amended from time to time. Also, the BCSA Risk Assessment Statement for Show and Sales Schedules.