BCSA Show Regulations
These Show Regulations become operative on the 5th of November 2009 and are binding on all current members of The Budgerigar Council of South Australia (BCSA) and any members that join from this date.
Show Management
- The BCSA Committee under the Guidelines of the BCSA Rules shall appoint a Show Manager annually.
- The Show Manager, once appointed, shall select a Show Committee that includes a Show Secretary and a Safety Officer.
- The management of all shows staged by the BCSA shall be under the control of the Show Manager and the Show Committee.
Shows or Exhibitions
- The BCSA shall hold an annual State Selection Show (incorporating a Logan Shield interclub competition) the weekend prior to the running of the Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) Show.
- When the BCSA hosts the ANBC Show, the BCSA Committee may choose to, in the case of a one-day national event, hold the State Selection Show the day prior to the National Competition.
- Other shows may be held annually at the discretion of the BCSA Committee.
- The State Selection Show will be open to all financial BCSA members who are entitled to represent the BCSA under the rulings of the ANBC.
- All entries in the State Selection Show must be bred and rung by an individual or a partnership and the exhibit must be rung with an ANBC approved closed ring. A special dispensation may be given by the ANBC to an individual or partnership to show for the BCSA on relocation from another State / Zone.
- All entries shall be submitted on the State Selection Show Entry Form as supplied by the BCSA Show Secretary, the Monday prior to the event or as decided by the BCSA Committee from time to time.
- All entries shall be entered at the sole risk of the owner.
- All entries exhibited shall be eligible to represent the BCSA at the ANBC National competition.
- Where a show is held other than a pre-selection show, the BCSA Show Manager shall forward a recommended format to the BCSA Committee for discussion / ratification.
Show Cages
- The Show Cage is that as defined by the current ANBC regulations – no other Show Cage shall be accepted for any Show held under the rules of the BCSA.
- Equal parts of Plain Canary, Jap Millet and White Millet is the acceptable mix for Show Cages. Minimal Panicum seed is also permitted in the mix.
Safety of Exhibits at the Show Venue
- All exhibits shall be inspected by the nominated Safety Officer prior to or once being benched.
- Exhibits showing obvious signs of illness prior to or during the show will not be permitted to remain on the bench.
- Owners of these birds shall be advised that said bird/s have been removed from the bench to a nominated isolation area to enable inspection and appropriate action.
- The decision as to the benching or de-benching of any exhibit shall be at the absolute discretion of the Safety Officer or Show Manager.
- Dirty show cages may also be removed from the show bench as per above.
- Judging will be in accordance with the ANBC The Standard and Penalty & Disqualification clauses as amended.
- All officiating Judges shall be bound by the BCSA Judges Rules & Guidelines of which they must be a signatory to.
- A Judges decision shall be final. In relation to the State Selection Show, consultation may take place between judges for the purpose of team selection and their decision shall be final.
- If malpractice of any kind is noted on any entry, appropriate action as per BCSA Judges Rules & Guidelines shall be enacted.
Pre-selected BCSA Show Team
- The birds selected from each Class, as prescribed by the ANBC, shall form the BCSA show team. Exhibition classes may at time to time be included by the BCSA Committee for the enhancement of a particular variety.
- Should any bird develop a problem thus disqualifying itself from the team, the next placed bird shall take its place in the team if this bird is not suitable then the next bird will take its place and so on and so on.
- The Show Manager or representative shall take the ring number of the 1st to 4th placed birds in each Class to enable follow up action in case of the above.
- At the completion of the State Selection Show, the selected birds will be separated and held at a nominated holding aviary/ies.
- Should any individuals wish to return selected birds to their aviaries, they shall make specific arrangements to have those exhibits presented to the relevant carer’s residence by a day nominated by the Bird Carer Team Leader.
- Where possible each individuals / partnerships birds shall be kept together, but separate from other exhibits.
- Upon receipt of the exhibits, all care and no responsibility will be taken by the nominated pre travel carer/s.
- Once the team of birds are in the care of the selected ‘team carers’, they have the discretion to prepare exhibits as they see fit for presentation for the National event.
- Exhibits will be transported to and from the National event in the BCSA travel boxes and at the expense of the BCSA.
- ‘Team Carers’ will follow the guidelines as put out by the BCSA under the title BCSA Bird Carer Guidelines.
Questions Un-provided For
- Any matters not provided for in these Regulations shall be considered by the Show Committee and their decision shall be final on matters of the exhibition.
- Any matters not provided for in these Regulations on matters regarding the selected BCSA team shall be considered by the bird carers and their decision shall be final.
Other Relevant Documents
- BCSA Show Management
- BCSA Bird Carer Guidelines
- BCSA Risk Assessment Statement for Shows and Sales Schedules