Fisher Show Results 2024

The Fisher Show Results for 2024 are in. To that end, thank you to Stephen Mow for judging the event.  The show was held at Kilburn Hall, LeHunte Street, Kilburn. Moreover, 173 Birds were entered, with 151 benched.

Award Exhibitor Variety
Grand Champion K & J Harris Normal Grey Cock, KJH 22/102
Champion Opp. to Champ Bob Simpson Dom Pied ASC/ASV Hen
Reserve Champion Cock Dennis Lomman Cinnamon wing ASC Cock
Reserve Champion Hen Marshall Family Lacewing Hen
Third Champion Cock Dennis Lomman Normal Blue Cock
Third Champion Hen D & R Lange Aust White Cap Hen
Fourth Champion Cock Bob Simpson Dom Pied ASC/ASV Cock
Fourth Champion Hen K & J Harris Normal Grey Hen
Fifth Champion Cock Dennis Lomman Normal Visual Violet Cock
Fifth Champion Hen K & J Harris Cinnamon wing ASC Hen
Best Open Bird K & J Harris Normal Grey Cock
Best Open Bird Opp. Bob Simpson Dom Pied ASC/ASV Hen
Best Intermediate Bird Jane Kelb Cinnamon wing ASC Hen JDJ 22/041
Best Intermediate Bird Opp. Tony Van den Brink Spangle AOSV Cock
Best Novice Bird Danny Brill Normal Grey Cock DB1 23/001
Best Novice Bird Opp. Tom Sismey Normal Blue Hen
Best Junior Bird Everly Brill Dominant Pied Hen

Fisher Show Results 2024 – Varietal Awards

Best Of Colour/Variety Exhibitor
Normal Green Dennis Lomman
Normal Grey Green Bob Simpson
Normal Blue Dennis Lomman
Normal Visual Violet Dennis Lomman
Normal Grey K & J Harris
Normal Yellow Faced Blue ASC Jane Kelb
Normal Golden Faced Blue ASC No Entry
Black Eyed Self No Entry
Dilute Yellow/White Stephen Wharton
Lutino No Entry
Albino Marshall Family
Dark Eyed Clear No Entry
Clearwing ASC Andrew Swift
Greywing ASC No Entry
Cinnamon wing Dennis Lomman
Spangle Double Factor Dennis Lomman
Opaline ASC Paul Arnup
Opaline AOSV Jane Kelb
Clearbody ASC Vicki Sanford
Lacewing Marshall Family
Fallow ASC Michael Smith
Spangle ASC Jane Kelb
Spangle AOSV Stephen Wharton
Dominant Pied ASC/ASV Bob Simpson
Recessive Pies ASC/ASV Marshall Family
Australian White Cap Susan Adams
Crested ASC/ASV D & R Lange
Any Other Variety No Entry
Ladies Exhibit Marshall Family

Open Birds Benched: 85 / 8 Exhibitors
Intermediate Birds Benched: 34 / 4 Exhibitors
Novice Birds Benched: 31 / 7 Exhibitors
Junior Birds Benched: 1 / 1 Exhibitor

Judge: Stephen Mow, Victoria

NEBS Fisher Show Results 2024