BCSA Accredited Judges
Being a BCSA Accredited Judge of exhibition budgerigars is a highly esteemed role. There is a long process to undertake over several year to become a trainee judge, before moving to a judge, major awards judge, and then finally a Nationally Accredited ANBC Judge. Outside of these exams and promotion requirements, there are certain things that judges must do, once they become a judge.
BCSA Judges must:
- Keep and breed exhibition budgerigars.
- Exhibit at least five different owner bred budgerigars every two years in major shows of affiliate, half affiliate or associate societies of the BCSA. The State Selection Show is deemed a major show.
- You are expected to attend judge’s meetings at least twice a year, assuming they are held.
- Maintain membership with the BCSA.
- Be conversant with and understand the ‘Australian National Budgerigar Council Inc. (ANBC) – The Standard’ and any amendments.
- Be conversant with the ‘Penalty and Disqualification Clauses for the Guidance of ANBC Judges’ and their application.
Notes to the Above
- ‘ANBC – The Standard’ and any appendages thereto, is the sole reference source when judging as to colour, variety and exhibition points. Schedules of a Society may, for their own needs, differ from the ANBC Matrix, noting that this will not change the judging parameters for colour, variety, or exhibition points.
- The Judges Committee and the BCSA Executive may ask Judges to provide an explanation if they do not adhere to the above rules, and they may face removal from the Judges Panel.
- You can submit a written request to the BCSA Executive for a leave of absence to cover any extenuating circumstances that may arise from time to time.
- Judges must show at least 5 different birds in a two-year period at BCSA approved shows.
BCSA Judges shall:
- Where possible, accept appointments to judge at meetings or shows so invited and, if unable to accept, promptly advise the inviting Society enabling maximum time for an alternative judge to be approached by that Society.
- Be suitably attired, presenting a reasonable professional image. It is mandatory for judges to wear a shirt / blouse (complete with BCSA logo) as supplied by the BCSA and a tie (optional) with slacks / skirt at all BCSA affiliate, half affiliate or associate shows and the State Selection Show. Track suit pants, sport shorts, runners, sandals and thongs and the like are not permitted. If for a medical or other reason a judge is not able to comply, the Judge is to submit a request for an exemption with the applicable reason to the Judges Coordinator for consideration by the Judges Executive and the BCSA Executive.
- Be ready to commence judging at the appointed time.
- Act in a courteous manner during and at the completion of judging.
- Be available to answer questions from exhibitors at the completion of judging appointments and explain the basis of decisions if so requested.
- Be noncritical of a fellow judge’s decision. This includes verbal, print, electronic and social media.
- Be a good ambassador of the BCSA and the budgerigar fancy in general. This includes while officiating as a Judge or attending any events under the BCSA umbrella.
- Not travel to a judging appointment with an exhibitor nor carry any exhibits entered at that show.
- Not be placed in a position where any competence or proprietary could be questioned.
- Report any alleged exhibiting infringement in writing to the BCSA Secretary within 24 hours of the appointment at which any alleged infringement occurred.
Notes to the Above
- Any alleged digression from the Judges Rules & Guidelines shall be lodged with the BCSA Secretary within 14 days and may require an explanation from the judge in question. The BCSA Executive will, within 14 days of receipt of the alleged indiscretion, advise the judge if there is deemed to be a case to answer. If so deemed, advice will be given on the procedures that will take place to have the allegation/s heard.
- If after the case is heard, the judge is deemed to have digressed from the Judges Rules & Guidelines, that judge may incur a suspension from judging. That suspension will be endorsed by the BCSA Executive and officially recorded in council minutes as to the offence and the determined penalty.
Process of Promotion of Judges
Trainee Judge
Min Requirement – 18 yrs of Age, Open Breeder, 5 years Membership
- An applicant must be at least 18 years of age and have been a member of the Budgerigar Council of South Australia Inc. or equivalent Interstate body/s for a minimum of 5 years, noting that only Open exhibitors can qualify to become a BCSA Judge.
- Once a Trainee Judge’s application is received and accepted by the Judges Executive the prospective Trainee Judge will be required to purchase a copy of The Standard and then sit on a day so nominated, a Trainee Judges exam as per the following:
(1) Theory exam of 15 basic questions from ANBC The Standard with a pass mark of 70%
(2) Practical exam of two classes of 8 birds (one being Normal’s) each judged over a 15-minute period with a pass mark of 70%
(3) If not successful with the theory, but successful with the practical, the candidate will be invited to re sit the theory at a later date as the main emphasis is on the practical exam.
(4) Results will not be given until the end of the day’s activities. Once the above has successfully been completed, the candidates may be invited to undertake further studies in a mentor situation over a period of a minimum of 18 months with existing Major Award Judges. - Through this minimum 18-month period a number of mini tests will be sent to each trainee to assist with their mentorship, which will cover all varieties.
Trainee Judge to BCSA Judge
Min Requirement – 18 months as Trainee Judge (Minimum)
- Minimum of 18 months as a Trainee Judge before being able to apply to the Judges Executive for sitting the examination for promotion to Judge. (See above)
- Promotion follows a 20 question (multi choice) written examination paper from the ANBC The Standard as amended, plus Penalty & Disqualification clauses for A.N.B.C. Judges with a pass of 75%, once this section has been successfully passed, the Judge may proceed to the practical testing consisting of:
(1) Identifying correctly 10 varieties currently listed within The Standard with a pass of 100%
(2) Judging 2 Classes of 10 birds, 1 being Normal Series (Green or Blue) and the other a variable class with a pass of 75%
BCSA Judge to Major Awards Judge
Min Requirement – 3 Years as BCSA Judge (Minimum)
- Minimum of 3 years as a BCSA Judge before being able to apply to the executive for sitting the practical examination for promotion to Major Award Judge.
- Acceptance to be promoted to a Major Awards Judge is observed as being a good ambassador for the fancy by being punctual, approachable, well presented etc.
- The BCSA Judge may proceed to the practical testing consisting of judging 2 classes of 10 birds each, 1 being a Normal Series (Green or Blue) and the other a variable class with a pass of 85%.
Major Awards Judge to Nationally Accredited Judge
Min Requirement – 2 Years as Major Award Judge (Minimum), State Nomination, Max 1 Nominee Per Year Per State
- Once reaching Major Award Judge Status, the eligibility to sit for the ANBC Judges examination is reached. Applications are taken annually and must be with the ANBC National Secretary with a copy to the ANBC Judges Coordinator by the 1st of March of the year the exam is to be sat. This application is to proceed through the State Body by the 1st of February to enable the correct selection procedures to take place if the BCSA executive receives more than one application.
- A Major Award Judge must have been at that level for two full years to qualify, under ANBC guidelines, to apply to the BCSA to nominate.
- The ANBC has a procedure in place where only ONE nomination per each State / Zone is accepted BUT has the ability to include extras from any given State / Zone if another State / Zone does not have any applicants.
Further Comments Regarding BCSA Judges
- Written application to the BCSA Judges Panel Secretary for promotion must be received annually by the 1st of May for the examination to proceed as close as possible to the 3rd or 4th full weekend of the following June.
- The above Trainee system gives breeders in all areas of the State the opportunity to complete Judges Traineeship without penalty.
- The numbers of Trainee Judges accepted into the scheme will be determined on a needs basis by the Judges Executive.
- If a Judge of any level is not successful in passing their promotion examination, they are only able to reapply to sit after a 12-month period has lapsed. Two such attempts without success will see this period extended to 24 months.
- Judges’ of all levels MUST read and then sign The Budgerigar Council of South Australia Inc. Judges Rules and Guidelines before being eligible to judge at BCSA affiliated or associated members shows without exception.
For all the latest information on who is judging, be sure to follow our social pages.