Port Pirie Budgerigar Society (PPBS)
The Port Pirie Budgerigar Society (PPBS) is located in Port Pirie, 224km North of Adelaide and is located on the East Coast of Spencer Gulf, with the beautiful Southern Flinders Ranges overlooking the town.
The first meeting of the Port Pirie Budgerigar Society was held on August 27th. 1957. On the positive side, there were 22 foundation members present at this meeting. They held the first Annual Show in July 1958, exactly twelve months later. The Club still holds the Annual Show each year in July. Over the years our Membership has peaked at around fifty members, and at the present time membership is around twenty.
To clarify, not all our members live in Port Pirie. A point often overlooked is that they come from North, South, East and West of Port Pirie and even Broken Hill. To come to meetings it can mean a four to five hour round trip for some of them. The Club holds meetings approximately every three months on a Sunday, which takes place at one of the member’s homes as a Social Day. After the meeting concludes, where all business is dealt with, the members enjoy a BBQ lunch and, of course, spend time looking at the Budgies.
Port Pirie Budgerigar Society Office Bearers
The Club elects all Office Bearers every year during the AGM held in January. On the whole, the rest of the members are the remaining Committee. The Club, which has four members on Council, fully affiliates with the Budgerigar Council of South Australia, representing Port Pirie.
- President: Doug Lange
- Vice President: Jason Longbottom
- Treasurer and Secretary: Peter Glassenbury
- Ring Steward: Ruth Lange
- Show Manager: Bob Simpson
- Assistant Secretary: Sharon Jeffries
Additionally, the delegates to the Budgerigar Council of South Australia (BCSA) for 2025 are Michael Smith, Doug Lange, Graham McCallum, and Peter Glassenbury.
Port Pirie Budgerigar Society Facebook Group
The Port Pirie Budgerigar Society maintains a facebook group for their members, which includes all the latest buy-swap-sell information, as well as upcoming Club meetings. For all the latest information, follow the link here.
To this end, the Port Pirie Budgerigar Society Membership is due and payable 1st. January annually, and is $10.00 per member and $5.00 for a Junior member with the first twelve months for a Junior member free.
If you would like to join our very friendly club or interested in knowing more about breeding and showing budgerigars please fill out the form and we will be in contact.
Detailed History of PPBS
First meeting held August 27th 1957 at residence of Mr & Mrs Davies 150 The Terrace Port Pirie.
Foundation members – Mr AW Burls, Master GW Burls, Master P Connor, Mrs Clarke, Mr D Everly, Mrs F Davies, Mr RF Davies, Mr R Sharp, Mrs R Sharp, Mr C Thredgold, Mrs C Thredgold, Mr CH Ferme, Mr TC Ferme, Mr WG Garrett, Mr C Mathews, Mr A MacDonald, Mrs A MacDonald, Mr M Niedorfor, Mr K Smith, Mr B Scarman, Mr SR Watts and Mr L Ziepes.
Membership Fees – 15/- for over 65’s and 5/- Juniors. ($1-50 and 50c)
Meetings were then held in St Andrews Hall Florence Street Port Pirie.
Membership in attendance 24/11/57 – 22
Bank Balance 11-3-6 (pounds) or in dollar terms $22.35
30 show cages purchased from Chas Geddes and Co and cost to members 16/9 ($1-70)
Entry fees to show 1/- and 1/- charged for admission entry to the show (10c)
Cost of Hall hire to be 5 Pounds ($10)
Raffle held at show and raised two pounds four shillings ($4-40)
Notes of Interest from the 1958 Minutes
Some meetings and show moved to Rechabite Hall Mary Ellen Street.
Surprise visits from Adelaide members Mr F Brown, Mr B Hancock and his son.
Paper issued on how to breed Blues
Club Badges for sale at 6/6 (65c)
Social evening saw 10 dozen Coke and 10 dozen soft drinks consumed along with 18 dozen small dandies.
Notes of Interest from 1959 Minutes
Mr Thredgold elected President
Members to pay 1/- at meetings for hall hire (10c)
Aggregate trophy for night meetings established
Members to be fined 3d if not presenting birds at night meetings (2c)
Fine for non entry of birds increased to 6d (5c)
Upcoming show to have birds benched by 8.45pm Friday
Show open to the public 11am to 6pm Saturday.
Mr F Williams donated Perpetual Trophy for best Port Pirie exhibit.
1000 more rings ordered for members.
Trophies rather than sashes to be obtained for the show and every member to obtain
Meetings to shift to Pirie South Baptist Church at cost of 12/6 per meeting ($1.25)
Annual Show hall hire cost to be 2 pounds 20 ($4.20)
Club affiliated with the English Society.
Diplomas requested from Budgerigar Society of South Australia
30 birds were on display at a monthly meeting.
Show Cages increased to 17/3 ($1.72)
Master Peter Glassenbury brought along a Blue Fallow which was passed around after his discussion on judging the night show. Master Glassenbury was also presented the Williams Cup for the best bird in the Annual Show with a Black Eyed Yellow.
Members presented birds at the Melrose and Clare shows and were congratulated on their success. Master Peter Glassenbury was again successful at these events with Cinnamonwing siblings.
Members discussed the new bird club that has been formed in Port Pirie.
Members to be presented with trophy and rosettes for aggregate points at Christmas meeting.
No meeting to be held until January 1960.
Notes of Interest on the 1960 Minutes
Meeting moved from Ellen Street to the South Baptist Hall at Solomontown as an adjacent building would allow the shows to be held in the same location. Attempts made to align with the Northern Districts Agricultural Society shows with our Club shows. Mr Fred Brown and Mr Bob Hancock from Adelaide agreed by letter to judge at our annual show.
Members participated in the Adelaide Royal Show with success.
Chrystal Brook A & H Society have included a Budgerigar section at their Agricultural Show.
Members to obtain trophies for the Annual Show and doors will be open at 11am and close at 6.30pm.
Exhibits to be lodged on the Friday night preceding the show.
Paper was presented by Mr Logan from Adelaide on preparing birds for shows.
An average of 30-40 birds are being presented at the night meetings.
Donation of three guineas made to the South Baptist Hall for use of their venue for the show ($6.30)
Limited attendance at the September meeting and fines of 1/6 were handed out ($0.15) for those who did not bring birds.
Christmas and Social gathering were discussed and members to contact Adelaide fanciers to better understand how many will travel for the event.
Adelaide President Mr Gaston advised he and a few members would be attending our social gathering.
Clare A & H Society included Budgerigars in their event with Les and Peter Glassenbury being successful.
It was agreed that 10 dozen Coca Cola, 10 dozen soft drinks and 18 dozen dandies be ordered for the social function at the Rechabite Hall on December 3rd.
Tin of lollies be made available for the children and Father Christmas to arrive straight after the Puppet Show.
Supper to be left up to the ladies as usual.
Notes of Interest from the 1961 Minutes
Annual General meeting re-elected Mr Fred Brown as patron.
Secretarial expense for the year past of Seven Guineas offered but given back to be used for trophy purchases for the show.
Annual show set for 1st July and entry fees to be used for trophies with three guineas to be offered to the Adelaide Judges for travel costs ($6.30)
Proposal that meetings be held at Clare (Glassenbury’s) and Port Augusta (Davis’s) for upcoming meetings and extended social gatherings.
Adelaide Judges available for the Annual Show are Messes Brown, Hancock, Simpson, Bull, Hogg, Smith and Gribble.
Mr Davis commented on the PINK birds he saw in Sydney and his decision was that the bird has only a light pink suffusion.
97 birds at the Night Meeting.
Ladies Exhibit Trophy to be procured for the Annual Show along with another trophy for the Best Adelaide Exhibitor.
Mr Glassenbury commented on the quality improvement of birds in the Adelaide show with some 1188 birds entered and 1119 were actually exhibited.
Secretary to write to Adelaide to see if Associate Members (just Port Pirie members) can show in Adelaide.
Club invited and agreed to be involved in the Port Pirie Festival.
Our Patron Mr Brown called in on the meeting as a surprise while travelling to Cowell.
Christmas presents for children be limited to 7/6 (75c) per head and choice be left to their parents.
Notes of Interest from the 1962 Minutes
22 members at the initial meeting for the year being the AGM.
All positions were filled and unchanged from 1961 including Patron Mr F Brown.
Associate Membership set at 7/6 (75cents)
Meetings continue to be held based on a member donation to the South Baptist Church.
New class introduced at shows being Pairs of similar colour and class.
Further new class for Fallows to be introduced at the 1962 shows.
Mr Brown and Mr Hancock be asked to adjudicate at the shows.
Winners names for the Young Bird show be included in the minutes henceforth. Mr Davis and Miss E Steele were the winners of the best birds and best Juvenile.
Annual Secretary expenses of Seven guineas approved however this money was donated back for show trophies.
May meeting saw Secretary unavailable and members were locked out of the hall for a period.
Adelaide show was discussed and country members were congratulated namely Peter Glass (3), Les Glass (3), Gill Steele (1) Mr Davis (1) a total of 8 trophies.
Mr Watson from Adelaide is again to print our show pennants.
29 birds on display.
15 members at the June meeting
Planks and trestles offered by Mr Steele and members advised entries can be attended on the Friday evening if wanting to do so.
All birds to be judges the same regardless of small or large wire fronts and perch sizes.
Cost of show cards to be reimbursed to Mr Steele.
Preparations for the Christmas Social was the main agenda item.
Club has again affiliated with the South Australian Society for 1963.
Notes of Interest from the 1963 Minutes
All members reelected at the AGM with Mr Brown and Mr Hancock present from Adelaide.
Club to purchase show cages for members for 7/6 (75c)
Opaline Greens and Blues to be brought back into the 1963 show schedules.
Messrs. Brown and Hancock were thanked for their continued presence and help with the club operations.
Meeting to be held bi-monthly moving forward.
Mr. Glassenbury offered to bring additional trestles from Clare for the show if required.
Mr. Steele and Mr. Threadgold donated trophies to be used as the club sees fit.
Secretary to write to Mr. Logan to procure Judges for shows.
Members agreed to send a wreath for funeral of late member Mr J Gohl.
Offers of trophies from various Port Pirie business’s received and gratefully acknowledged by the club.
(NOTE – I still have the trophy from Wendt’s Jeweler’s being a Beswick Budgie with a 7/6 label now valued in antique books at $3-500)
Club to seek a feature article in the Recorder Newspaper f0or the show.
Club to seek the cost difference of chrome and plain cage fronts.
Printer at Crystal Brook can supply prize tickets for $7.75 per 1000.
162 birds benched at Crystal Brook show which Mr Wally Bull from Adelaide judged.
No birds benched at September meeting as members are breeding however fines 12/- imposed ($1.20)
Ticket holders for show cages were debated and inclusion held over until more members are present. Adelaide Club to forward samples of the ticket holders to view.
November meeting saw only 8 members present and main discussion was around the Christmas function.
Father Christmas clothing to be sought from the BHAS Co-Op stores.
Another late November meeting held to discuss Mr Browns resignation as our Patron and club acceptance with regret.
Secretary to write to Mr Logan about suspension of Mr Brown from the Budgie Society.
12 dozen ticket holders to be purchased from Adelaide although many will make their own.
First meeting in 1964 to be February.