Budgerigar Leg Rings | Policy Overview
Under the BCSA Ring Policy, we appoint a Ring Officer per The Budgerigar Council of South Australia Incorporated Objects & Rules. This person is responsible for close coded budgerigar rings in South Australia.
BCSA Ring Policy
- The Budgerigar Council of South Australia Inc. (BCSA) shall purchase all official Australian National Budgerigar Council (ANBC) rings from the ANBC ring manufacturer.
- Additionally, ANBC rings are ordered using the World Budgerigar Organisation (WBO) ring colour sequence.
- The BCSA issues ANBC rings to Affiliate and Associate Societies.
- Rings will be available to Individual Members in accordance with the ANBC ring issue date.
- The BCSA have Supplementary rings available with one major order made at a predetermined date each year. The BCSA will pay for the postage costs associated with that one major supplementary order. Societies or Individuals (through their Society) must pay for the postage for any additional supplementary orders in that year.
- Birds wearing official ANBC rings are eligible to participate in BCSA or Society shows. These are deemed ‘status movement shows’ if all criteria are met. The BCSA and Societies reserve the right to inspect birds entered for these shows to ensure compliance.
- A Junior member on joining a Society and the Council shall receive the first 20 rings (Society coded) free of charge for their first two years in the hobby. Explanation: The Society supplies rings to the applicable Junior member and then seeks financial reimbursement from the BCSA.
- Lastly, each Society shall appoint a Ring Steward who shall order and distribute rings on behalf of that Society.
The role of the Ring Officer of the BCSA
- Prepare a master Ring Order Form annually for Affiliate Societies.
- Confirm with the BCSA Treasurer that all Affiliated Societies are financial.
- Receives ring orders from Society Ring Stewards.
- Confirms that money for rings, packaging, and registering post costs reach the BCSA Treasurer.
- Ensures that any individual members ordering rings have paid all monies to both their Society and the Council.
- Keep records of council’s memberships, including member’s status, member’s Society and the date of payments to council.
- To order rings from the ANBC contracted ring manufacturer by the allocated date for the applicable ring year.
- Order supplementary ring orders with the ANBC contracted ring manufacturer as and when required.
- Arrange to distribute rings to Affiliate or Associate Societies to enable distribution by the start of the new ring year (or if required, directly to Individual Members by the start of the new ring year).
- Distribute supplementary ring orders to the applicable ordering Society/s.
- To approve, subject to availability, Individual / Partnership / Family ring code applications.
- Keep records of rings ordered and distributed.
- Audit ring distribution and council membership.
- To provide a brief ring report to the AGM.
The role of the Society Ring Steward
- Ensure that their Society is a financial Affiliate or Associate member of the BCSA.
- To ensure that all Individual / Partnership / Family members whom order personally coded rings are financial members of the BCSA and of their Society, when making a ring order.
- Ensure that any member who purchases Society coded rings are financial members of the BCSA and of their Society at the time of purchase.
- To order Society coded rings as necessary.
- Forward ring orders and associated costs along with BCSA membership fees to the BCSA Treasurer and confirm same with the BCSA Ring Officer.
- Distribute rings to financial members of the BCSA and Societies.
- Ensure rings are distributed in sequential order commencing from one e.g. 001 to 010, 081 to 150 etc.
- To ensure ring transfers are processed through them. This is to ensure accurate ring records are for auditing.
- Ensure with Society coded rings, transfers are in multiples of ten (10).
- Keep records of rings ordered, received and distributed.
- To forward a ring audit to the Ring Officer after ring issue period.
Procedure for ordering budgerigar rings
- Individual / Partnership / Family & Society members pay their BCSA and Society memberships in the year rings issuing. For example, rings ordered in 2023 for 2024 must be accompanied with a 2024 membership.
- Personally coded ring (through their applicable Society) and Society coded ring orders are via the BCSA Ring Officer by a date the BCSA determines in consultation with the ANBC. This enables ordering by the BCSA Ring Officer with the ANBC ring manufacturer by the date the ANBC determines.
- Ring codes are to be no more than four letters, four numbers or a combination of both. You can submit two choices. The first choice will be approved if available.
- In an event that you relinquish a ring code, the code will not be available for ten years to any other member.
- A ring with a personal code is available to order in multiples of twenty-five (25) e.g. 25, 50, 75, 100 etc.
- Individual/Partnership/Family coded rings cannot be transferred to another member.
- Society coded rings will only be available in multiples of ten (10) and can be transferred. Under those circumstances, rings must be sequentially ordered or transferred commencing from one e.g. 001 to 010, 041 to 080 etc.
- All Society coded ring transfers must be submitted through the Society Ring Steward.
For more information on your Club Ring Steward, please contact the Budgerigar Society of South Australia, the North East Budgerigar Society, or the Port Pirie Budgerigar Society.
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