BCSA Social Media Policy for The Budgerigar Council of South Australia
Overview and Purpose
The Budgerigar Council of South Australia recognises itself in this document as “The BCSA”. Recognising the Affiliate Clubs as “The Affiliate Clubs”. The BCSA recognizes that there is a massive explosion and growth in Social Media. Indeed, in many cases, it is becoming the prime means of communication for the Clubs and Members. This includes in the Affiliate Clubs. Generally, Social Media encompasses a broad range of online activities including but not restricted to:- Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, Snapchat, Youtube, and many others not listed here. Hence the BCSA recognizes the importance of social media. It is a powerful tool. We recognize the importance of Social Media in the growth of the BCSA, the Clubs, and Members in Affiliate Clubs and throughout Australia and the World.
This Policy is read in conjunction with the other policies of “The BCSA”.
Policy Statement
“The BCSA” commits to engaging in Social Media activity transparently, responsibly, and with respect. The BCSA expects the same commitment from the Affiliate Clubs. Any deviation from such commitments may be subject to disciplinary review. Additionally, further appropriate action is taken if we deem it’s “disreputing the hobby”.
Your Conduct in Social Media Activity
It is important that the social media activity that the Affiliate Clubs engage in is in accordance with the aims of “The BCSA”. This is locatable within the Constitution of the BCSA. The conduct of each Affiliate Club or members thereof has the potential to harm our reputation. As such, you must be conscious of the behavior and wording used towards others and about issues pertaining to our hobby.
- Firstly ensure your Affiliate Club does not imply that it represents “The BCSA”. This includes other “Affiliate Clubs” in any of your Affiliate Clubs Official posts or comments “online”.
- Consider when posting content whether it may damage the reputation or future of “The BCSA”. This includes other “Affiliate Clubs”.
- Act with Honesty and Integrity, in an ethical and professional manner. Avoid conflicts with other “Affiliate Clubs” representatives.
- Be polite and avoid personal, professional or hostile communications. This includes credibility attacks. Keep your comments respectful, informative and certainly never condescending.
- Do not post images or content that are inappropriate, adverse or offensive or that discriminate, intimidate or harass or are otherwise demeaning, defamatory or disparaging about any person or indeed “The BCSA” or other “Affiliate Clubs”.
- Be sure to post accurate and truthful content and promptly correct any errors that you may inadvertently make.
- Remember that online communications may be held in the same legal standards as traditional media communication.
- Notify “The BCSA” via the Secretary if you witness any negative, disparaging or inaccurate content about “The BCSA’ or any other “Affiliate Clubs” on any Social Media Platform.
- Use your best judgement as there may be consequences to what you publish. If something you wish to publish makes you uncomfortable – then rethink whether you should post it or not!
- Lastly, exercise sound judgement and common sense.
Promotion of Birds on Social Media
This component relates specifically to the Affiliate Clubs Selection Shows to select Representatives to be show at the ANBC National Show. None of the THREE birds “Affiliate Clubs” select in any of the classes, nor the RESERVE they select from any of the classes at the National Show, are not to form promotional discussions when posting online. This includes on any Website or Social Media page until AFTER the BCSA Logan Sheild is concludes. Penalties for doing so may be applied – including disqualification of the promoted bird/birds or the Affiliate Clubs entire Team from being able to compete at the ANBC National Show.
Judges Code Regarding Young Bird State Championships and BCSA Show
If an BCSA Accredited Judge has been selected from an Affiliate Club to Judge at the ANBC National Show, they should exclude themselves from social media and Exhibition Budgerigar related Internet Activity for at least ONE MONTH prior to the ANBC Show. They are not permitted to attend the Affiliate Clubs Selections for that ANBC National Show nor be involved in ANY ASPECT of the Affiliate Clubs Selection Show to enable maintenance and integrity of the ANBC Show.
Compliance With This Policy
“The BCSA” will be monitoring Websites and social media going forward to monitor compliance in this policy.
Consequence of Breach
Any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary or other appropriate action as noted in our “Constitution” – which could relate to or include fines, disciplinary actions or expulsion from “The BCSA”.