Newcastle Budgerigar Auction 2023
Newcastle Budgerigar Club Annual Auction
The Newcastle Budgerigar Club is pleased to present its 2023 Auction Catalogue, which is now available online. The auction will be held on Saturday 12th of August 2023 at Wallsend Pioneer Memorial Hall, 54 Cowper St, Wallsend NSW. This is the corner of Cowper St & Newcastle Rd. Viewing from 9am, and Auction Commencing at 10 am. Auctioneer – Peter Thurn. Any enquiries, contact Gary Gazzard Ph: 0411834690 or Chris Druery Ph: 0438644856
For a copy of the Auction Photos, click here – NBC 2023 Auction Photos
For a full copy of the Catalogue, click here – NBC 2023 Auction Catalogue
For anyone wishing to observe the auction remotely, the Auction will be simulcast via Zoom. Note that online bidding wont be available – you will need to coordinate that through Carmel Creselli at Aussie Pet Connections on 0400 966 738. However, a link is provided for those below who would like to watch.
Topic: Newcastle Auction
Time: Aug 12, 2023 10:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
To Join Zoom Meeting, simply click on the link below:
Meeting ID: 820 1059 1196
Passcode: 668610
You can find all the latest news on the Newcastle Budgerigar Club by checking out their Facebook page.
Newcastle Budgerigar Club Auction Terms and Conditions
- Viewing time is from 9am to 9.55am.
- Auction starts at 10am sharp.
- Benching of lots is 8am to 8.55am, sharp.
- The sale is an unreserved auction of birds listed in the catalogue; some substitutes may also be included.
- All lots will be submitted in the order in which they appear in the catalogue.
- The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept or refuse any bid on birds without having to state any reason or reasons thereof.
- Note NO SMOKING applies inside the auction hall.
- Carry cages will not be allowed into the main body of the auction hall until the conclusion of the auction.
- The Newcastle Budgerigar Club Inc. acts as an agent only in respect of the goods to be auctioned and are not responsible for any faults or defects in any lot.
- All statements in the catalogue or attached to the show cages as to the sex, colour, variety, origin, age, genuineness, provenance, or condition of any lot should not be relied upon as statement or fact. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the sex, colour, variety, origin, age, genuineness, provenance, and condition of any lot in which they may be interested.
- Each person wishing to bid will be required to register prior to the auction. The registration will require your name, address, contact phone number and signature.
- Each registered person will receive a bidder’s number. This number will be required to purchase any lots and must be shown to the Auctioneer after the fall of the hammer for completion of your purchaser’s
receipt. All bidder numbers need to be returned at the completion of the auction. - Each lot will be sold to the highest bidder.
After the fall of the hammer no party will be allowed to retract their bid, and subject to the vendor having the right to bid, the highest bidder shall be the purchaser. - In the event of any dispute arising, the lot in dispute shall be put up again and the auctioneer’s decision shall be final.
- On the fall of the hammer, each lot shall be at the purchaser’s risk. All conditions and warranties expressed or implied by law are hereby excluded as all lots are open for inspection prior to the commencement of the sale. The same are sold with all faults, if any, therefore no compensation shall be made in respect of any fault or imperfection or error of description of any lots sold.
- Any bird passed in will be held over until all other lots are completed, it will then be re-auctioned. If the lot is passed in again it will be returned to the owner.
- To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, no lot can be removed during time of sale. All lots must be removed at completion of the sale or as specified at the time of the sale.
- The sale shall be paid for on conclusion of the auction. Until payment in full of the purchase price is made, the property in the lot shall not pass to the purchaser.
- Preferred payment method for goods purchased on the day is by CASH or EFTPOS (Master Card / Visa Card will be accepted; however, these will attract a 5% surcharge). Cheques accepted only by prior arrangement. If any successful bidder shall fail to pay for their purchases on the day, the vendor or his agent have the right to resell the lot in any manner they think proper.
- At the end of the auction each successful purchaser of lots will be required to take their purchases with them. They shall proceed to the payment table where they shall pay the purchase price and be given a receipt. This receipt will be proof of payment received and required for collection of the bird/s purchased.
- Purchasers are required to take a carry box/cage and their receipt to the collection point, where, upon production of receipt, the collection steward will gather the show cages containing any purchased lots.
- Neither the vendor, the auctioneer nor any of the stewards will be handling the birds once they are sold. It will be the responsibility of each purchaser to handle their purchase/s on collection and transfer
them to their own caging facility. All handling will however be observed by a nominated NBC Inc official and checked off before leaving the premises. - Show cages are not included in the purchase price and are not for sale.
- The Newcastle Budgerigar Club Inc. will attempt to pay vendors who are in attendance on the day at the conclusion of the sale by cash or club cheque. Purchases made by any vendors will be used as offsets at this time. Any additional outstanding payments shall be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct deposit may take a few days to clear) or club cheque after the event at a time deemed acceptable and appropriate. Payment to the vendors will be less a commission of 10%, as agreed with the Newcastle Budgerigar Club Inc.
- Interstate vendors will bear all incoming transportation and any other miscellaneous costs. The Newcastle Budgerigar Club Inc. will provide transportation to pick up birds from Newcastle Airport and will provide food, housing and show cages for birds prior to and at the auction. Show cages must be returned at the completion of the auction.
- All vendors must be a member of a club that is affiliated with the Canary and Cage Bird Federation of Australia.
- For any further clarity or details surrounding these Terms & Conditions or the auction in general please contact the Auction Managers Gary Gazzard or Chris Druery (refer to front cover for details).
Phone Bidding
Phone bidding is welcome. NBC Inc will not be providing agents for phone bidding. Phone bidding can be arranged
by either:
- Contacting Aussie Pet Connections on 0400 966 738 prior to 6pm on 11th of August for your intended lots.
Or - The bidder arranging their own agent.
The following conditions apply to phone bidding:
1) The phone bidder is responsible for appointing an agent to act on their behalf.
2) It is the Agents responsibility to:
i) Arrange registration for the phone bidder and bid on the lot nominated.
ii) If successful, to arrange payment for the phone bidder
iii) Be responsible for collection and transportation of successful lots.
For the latest news on Budgies, check out our Budgies for Sale page, or Budgie Auction page. You can also visit our Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com.au/bcofsa