Vince Ieria Stock Reduction
Vince Ieria Currently Has Unused 2022 Budgies Ready for New Homes
Presently, Vince Ieria has several 2022 Budgies that have not been utilized and need to find new homes. As we transition to the details of the auction, it’s crucial to note that there are 12 birds awaiting sale. Additionally, the auction features other lots, namely drinkers, seed hoppers and travel cages for potential buyers.
Regarding the variety of birds available, the selection is indeed diverse and appealing. The birds up for grabs include the elegant Greywings, the distinctive Spangles, the vibrant Opalines, and the uniquely beautiful Split Dilutes. For those considering a purchase, it’s imperative to acknowledge that these exquisite birds are currently located in Moonee Ponds, nestled in the heart of Melbourne, Victoria 3039.
For prospective buyers craving more details or specific information on these birds, Vince Ieria is readily accessible. Kindly reach out and contact Vince directly at the following number: 0417206742.
Link to Auction