Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023
The Western Suburbs Budgerigar Society is proud to present its Auction for 2023. The event will be held on Sunday August 20th, 2023 at Werribee Masonic Hall.
For a copy of the catalogue, click here – WSBS Auction Catalogue 2023
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023 Terms & Conditions Part 1
1/ The sale is an unreserved auction of birds listed in the catalogue.
2/ The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept or refuse any bird or birds without having to state any reason or reasons.
3/ Western Suburbs Budgerigar Society Inc. act as an agent only in respect of the goods to be auctioned and is not responsible
for any faults or defects in any lot.
4/ All statements in the catalogue or attached to the show cage as to origin, genuineness, provenance or condition of any lot
should not be relied upon as statement or fact. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the sex, colour, variety,
origin, age, genuineness, and condition of any lot in which they may be interested.
5/ The birds on display must not be interfered with or subjected to judging sticks, pens or other similar objects.
6/ Note NO SMOKING applies to the use of the Auction Hall.
7/ Carry cages will not be allowed into the main body of the Auction Hall until the conclusion of the auction.
8/ Each person attending the auction will be required to register as they enter the Auction Hall. Any person who chooses not to
comply with any or all of the auction conditions will be respectfully denied entry to the Auction Hall. Exception will be made for a
wife, children, etc accompanying a registered bidder. The registration form will require your name, postal address, phone
number, club name and signature. Your signature will assume you accept these terms and conditions.
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023 Terms & Conditions Part 2
9/ Each registered person will then be given a bidders number. As a successful purchaser of any lot you are required to show
this bidders number to the auctioneer so we can prepare your receipt for payment. Your bidders number is to be returned at
completion of the sale.
10/ Each lot will be sold to the highest bidder. Any person unfamiliar with auction practice should ensure that the auctioneer
correctly acknowledges their bids. It is suggested that bids be called out, or that a certain bid is called for, that the intending
purchaser raise his/her bidders number in the air to attract the auctioneers attention for this bid.
11/ After the fall of the hammer winning bidder will raise their bidders number in the air to attract the auctioneers attention.
12/ After the fall of the hammer no party will be allowed to retract his or her bid, and subject to the vendor having the right to bid,
the highest bidder shall be the purchaser. In the event of any dispute arising, the lot in dispute shall be put up again and
the Auctioneers decision shall be final.
13/ On the fall of the hammer, each lot shall be at the Purchasers risk of expense. The sale shall be paid for on conclusion of
the day’s sale. Until payment in full of the purchase money is made the property in the lot shall not pass to the Purchaser.
13a/ To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, no lot can be removed during time of sale, unless with the specific agreement of the
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023 Terms & Conditions Part 3
14/ Payment for goods on the day shall be by cash or credit card, or cheque if prior arrangements have been made.
If any successful bidder shall fail to pay for their purchases on the day, the vendor or his agent have the right to
resell the lot in any manner they think proper.
15/ At the end of the Auction each successful purchaser of lots will be required to take their purchases with them. They
shall proceed to the payment table where they shall pay the purchase price and be given a receipt. This receipt will be required
for the collection of the birds purchased.
16/ Proof of payment will be a receipt from the auctioneer’s clerk. Purchasers are required to take a carry box or cage and
receipt to the collection point, on production of the receipt the collection clerk will gather the show cages containing each of the
lots you have purchased.
17/ Neither the Vendor, the Auctioneer nor any of the assistants will be touching the birds once they are sold -it will be the
responsibility of each Purchaser to handle their own on collection and transfer them to your their cage.
19/ Any bird passed in will be returned to owner.
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023 Terms & Conditions Part 4
20/ The vendor may be paid out on the day of the sale. Payment will be by cash, cheque or payment direct to Vendors Account
as soon as possible after the sale, but not later than 14 days thereafter. Payment to the vendor will be less a commission of
10%, as agreed with Western Suburbs Budgerigar Society Inc.
21/ Interstate vendors will bear all costs of transportation of birds and any other miscellaneous costs, as advised in advance
by WSBS. WSBS will provide transportation to pick-up birds from airports and any food /housing cost to shelter birds by WSBS
members, prior to auction. If vendor elects to have someone else (other than WSBS designated member) care and transport
birds to auction venue, it shall be at vendor’s expense.
22/ Bidders unable to attend – No problems! Prior agreement: We can have you set a limit on any lots of interest prior to the
auction and we will have somebody bid on your behalf of you to that limit. Of course if the bird sells for an amount under your
limit you only pay the lesser amount. Alternatively we can set up phone bidding for you on the day of the auction. You then have
the ability to listen in on any lots you may be interested in and bid via the telephone. Funds would have to be placed in our
bank account prior to the auction. Air Freight costs of purchases would also be included in those funds if required.\
Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023 Terms & Conditions Part 5
23/ WSBS now accepts Credit Card, a fee of 3% of the total purchase price will be added if paying by this method.
24/ A 2% BCV Levy on all bird purchases will be payable at the conclusion of the Auction
25/ All persons attending the Auction should try and maintain a safe distance from others to avoid possible Covid. All persons should use
the supplied sanitiser where possible.
For all details on Western Suburbs Budgerigar Auction 2023, please contact our Auction Manager Wayne Cachia on 0412969848 or Owen Haddick 0418 146 688.
Code of Practice for Affiliated Club Budgerigar Sales and Auctions
Prepared by Budgie Council of Victoria (Feb 2017)
1. This code applies to all Budgerigar Sales/Auctions held under the auspices of the Budgerigar Council of Victoria Inc.
2. Budgerigar Sales/Auctions are open to members of the public.
3. A copy of this Code of Practice is to be displayed in a prominent position at the entrances of the venue.
Copies are to be made available upon request.
4. Only Budgerigars and related items are to be made available at these Sales/Auctions! No other vertebrate
species are permitted.
5. For the safety of the Budgerigars, other animals Including dogs are not permitted to enter the venue, whether
on leash, unleashed, contained or carried. Assistance dogs are permissible.
6. All sellers are to be made aware of this Code of Practice to ensure compliance, with prior notice that the code will
be strictly enforced by the Sale/Auction Manager.
7. Entry to the venue is conditional upon compliance with this Code of Practice by all persons; including buyers,
sellers and traders.
8. Budgerigar sales are to be deferred or cancelled if the ambient dry-bulb temperature is predicted to reach 35°C
or above on the day of the sale. The predicted temperature to be used will be the regional temperature of the closest
locality to the venue as advertised on the ABC evening television news on the day before the sale. All bird sales
advertising should warn members of the public of this condition.
9. The Affiliated society running the event must appoint a Sale/Auction Manager for the day, this person will
be responsible for among other things ensuring that the event is run in accordance with this code of practice.
1. The venue is to be fully roofed and able to be securely closed off to enable the containment of any Budgerigar that
may escape so that the Budgerigar can be recaptured. Budgerigar sale organizers are to provide a minimum of two
suitable catching nets appropriate for the height of the venue to enable the owners or any sanctioned helper{s)
to recover any escaped Budgerigar. Budgerigars cannot be caught during the sale unless special permission is
sought from the Budgerigar Sale/Auction Manager.
2. Organisers of the Budgerigar Sale/Auction are to provide clearly identified stewards that are familiar with this
Code of Practice and are to be in continuous attendance at the venue.
3. Stewards have the right to refuse entry to the venue to any person or Budgerigar or cage deemed to be in breach
of this Code.
4. Lighting levels within the venue are to be conducive to clearly view the Budgerigars within the Standard Show
Cage as discussed in Point 4 of this Code of Practice.
5. Budgerigar Sale/Auction organisers must obtain Public Liability Insurance of at least $20 million dollars and
any incidents, accidents and injuries must be reported to and recorded by the sale organizers and/or
ambulance officers if present.
1. Only Budgerigars in good health, sound physical condition, fully feathered and self-sufficient [fully weaned]
may be offered for sale. The organizers reserve the right to have a steward or recognized Avian Veterinarian
inspect any or all of the Budgerigars offered for sale by a seller and, at their sole discretion, shall upon
the advice of the Sales/Auction Manager/Veterinarian determine if the Budgerigars shall be allowed to be presented for sale.
2. Attendees of the Sale/Auction Event are NOT permitted to remove the Standard Show Cages from the Bench or use
any item – judging stick, pen, fingers – to poke at the cage to move the bird around. The only people permitted
to do this are the Sales/Auction Manager and the Stewards upon approval of the Sale/Auction Manager.
Perpetrators may be subject to eviction from the Sale/Auction event.
3. Transportation of Budgerigars should be in accordance with section 5.1 of the Victorian Code of Practice for the
Housing of Caged Birds. It is recommended that Budgerigars being transported to and from the venue are to be
carried in an enclosed but well ventilated vehicle and only to be confined to a transport cage for a maximum
period of 24 hours.
1. The Budgerigar Council of Victoria only approves of the use of the A.N.B.C. Standard Show Cages as laid out
in the “The Standard” pages 65-68 – Diagram at the end of the Document for use in Sales/Auctions
2. There are only to ever be 2 Budgerigars Exhibited for Sale or Auction purposes in the Standard Budgerigar Show
Cage as approved by the Australian National Budgerigar Council.
The Budgerigar Council of Victoria Inc.; its affiliates, its Officers and/or its Committee:-
1. Shall not be responsible for the health or welfare of any Budgerigars sold and/or purchased by any person, where
the health of that Budgerigar proves to be defective or not up to the standard anticipated by the purchaser.
2. Shall not be held responsible for any disease or virus’s that may transmitted by way of any goods sold,
transferred and/or purchased at a Budgerigar Sale/Auction.
3. Any disease or virus transmitted from a Budgerigar to a human being by a Budgerigar/s which has been sold,
transferred and/or purchased.
For more details on Budgies for Sale, or Budgie Auctions, check out the BCSA Pages. For the latest information, always check our BCSA Facebook Page.